Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. unveiled the New, which is also the first product in India to offer a BS-IV compliant version. The Scorpio features the technologically advanced mHawk engine and also incorporates Mahindra’s revolutionary Micro Hybrid technology. The Scorpio’s new, mighty, muscular look will now be available across all variants.
Variants | What's New | Price* (Rs. Lakh) | Price Drop (Rs.) | Customer Value Creation (Rs.) |
LX | New Look, mHawk Engine, New Ergonomic Seats, Digital Immobiliser | 7.21 | 34000 | 54000 |
SLE | New Look, mHawk Engine, ABS, New Ergonomic Seats, New Tan&Beige Upholstery, Powered ORVMs, Digital Immobiliser | 8.20 | 25000 | 60000 |
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VLX | New Look, 2-DIN Audio System, New Ergonomic Seats, Powered ORVMs, Digital Immobiliser, Microhybrid Technology | 9.20 | 70000 | 70000 |
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VLX BS-IV | New Look, 2-DIN Audio System, New Ergonomic Seats, Powered ORVMs, Digital Immobiliser, Microhybrid Technology | 9.30 | NEW VARIANT | 70000 |
VLX Automatic | New Look, 2-DIN Audio System, New Ergonomic Seats, Powered ORVMs, Digital Immobiliser | 9.99 | 46000 | 46000 |
* Prices in above table are ex-showroom New Delhi
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